FT Welcomes Phyo Aye to the Gas Division
Posted on Mar 14, 2024We are delighted to welcome aboard Phyo Aye as the new Project Engineering Manager for our gas division.
Originally from Myanmar, Phyo moved to Singapore to explore overseas opportunities and to study. She followed in her family tradition of studying engineering and qualified with a B. Eng. degree in mechatronics from Yangon Technological University and an MSc. in mechanical engineering form Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Phyo began working as a Drafter and moved on to become a Project Engineeer for CES_Salcon Pte Ltd, a design and engineering company specialising in technology for water, desalination and wastewater applications for municipal projects.
In order to further her career and seek out new challenges, Phyo moved to the UK in 2023. She joins the FTPS gas division at an exciting time as the division is going from strength to strength. We have an impressive list of clients for our both our natural gas and hydrogen pressure reducing stations and FT Pipeline Systems is the lead supplier on one of the successful projects on the Government’s £57.5 million Industrial Fuel Switching (IFS) Programme, which funds the development and demonstration of innovative fuel switch solutions. The IFS is part of the £1bn Net Zero Innovation Portfolio which provides funding for low-carbon technologies and systems.
Phyo is already a valued member of the team and we look forward to her involvement in our projects.